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Follow up of the NPGIM in practice
The Nijmegen Principles and Guidelines on Interim Measures have been drafted as a practical guide for international adjudicators.
After publication, the principles & guidelines were commented on by Eva Rieter and Rosa Möhrlein in a blog on Völkerrechtsblog in July 2021, see here.
Follow up by international adjudicators:
The NPGIM have been mentioned in the following decisions of the Human Rights Committee:
FFJH v Argentina, 8 July 2021 (inadm), dissent Tigroudja, para. 7 (see here).
TT v Ukraine, 24 March 2022 (inadm), dissent Tigroudja, para. 6 (see here).
Mikhalenya v Belarus 3105/2018, 21 July 2021, concurring opinion Achour and Tigroudja, paras. 3 and 5 (see here).

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